Monday July 21
- Check-in time from 4pm onwards
*Welcome Dinner + Introductions
Tuesday July 22
Morning Session 3hrs:
- Infinite Emptiness drawing warmup
- Rhythmic Flow, Abstract Piecing intro & demo
- Meditative patchwork exercise for improv chain piecing simple shapes
Afternoon Session 3hrs:
- Qigong warmup
- Rhythmic flow piecing continues
- Check-ins with Sherri Lynn
- Sharing Discoveries
After Dinner 1hr:
- Screening of Quilts In Women’s Lives
Wednesday July 23
Morning Session 3hrs:
- Infinite Emptiness Drawing warmup
- Meditative patchwork demo/exercise for harnessing emotional energy through intuitive colour, shape, scale & rhythm
Afternoon Session 3hrs:
- Rhythmic flow piecing continues
- Check-ins with instructor
- Group Stitching Mantra (meditative stitching)
* Dinner
Thursday July 24
Morning Session:
- Infinite Emptiness drawing warmup
- Meditative patchwork demo/exercise for incorporating random procedures and nurturing a collaborative relationship with your patchwork
Afternoon Session :
- Qigong warm up
-Rhythmic flow piecing continues
-Check-ins with Sherri Lynn
Friday July 25
Morning Session 3hrs:
- Infinite Emptiness drawing warmup
- Meditative patchwork exercise for composing with radical acceptance (Yes And)
Afternoon Session 3hrs:
- Qigong warm up
- Rhythmic flow piecing continues
- Check-ins with Sherri Lynn
Saturday July 26
Morning session 3hrs:
- Sharing our discoveries, reflecting on our patterns
- Final sewing time to prepare for the Evening Exhibition
Afternoon Session 2hrs:
- Studio clean up & preparing for the Evening Exhibition
- Evening Exhibition and Reception in the Workroom
Sunday July 27
*Breakfast and departure (Check-out 11am)